About GSEF

The Georgia Scholastic Esports Foundation was founded by executives of top esports companies who are headquartered in the state of Georgia.  Todd Harris (CEO of Skillshot Media) and Wes Byrd (CEO of Skullz Gear) join forces to bring educational resources through esports to high schools in the state of Georgia.  Todd and Wes are passionate about esports, education, and ethics!  GSEF was founded to provide the needed resources to Georgia based high schools for educating students with both STEM and language arts curriculum, to encourage ethics in gaming, and provide opportunities for competitive esports play. 

How To:  Activate 

To provide the best curriculum for high school programs, GSEF has become an affiliate of NASEF (North American Scholastic Esports Federation).  To gain access to a mountain of resources, you must activate your school or non-profit club with NASEF.

Click to Activate Your Esports Club!

How to: Activate Your Club

Learn more about our free resources!
Learn how students can activate their club!
Learn how advisors can activate their club!